M Update, 18/3/2019 – A special marriages, hadhanah (child custody) and nafkah (maintenance) court will take off in May.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusof said the views would be tabled at the Cabinet. Maybe in two weeks’ time, it would be ready to be presented to the Cabinet.
After that, it would take between two and three weeks before it is approved,” he said after launching the Women’s Day 2019 seminar at the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia here yesterday.
The court will have the authority to confiscate the property of a man who has failed to provide for his ex-wife. The process to set up the court is in the final stages with the Attorney General, and Finance and Women, Family and Community Development ministries having given their views
Mujahid said that setting up the court was a reflection of the commitment of the Pakatan Harapan government to protect the rights of women.
He also said that the three core thrusts of Islamic administration under the government – rahmatan lil alamin (blessings for all), maqasid syariah (syariah compliance) and the Malaysian module – would be tabled to the Conference of Rulers soon.
Sources : Bernama