M Update, 4/2/2019 – 13-Year-Old Is Arrested After Boasting To Siri He’s Going To ‘Shoot Up A School’
The teen was arrested after posting a screenshot of the conversation with his iPhone’s digital assistant.
Indiana police arrested two boys after a 13-year-old told Siri he was going to “shoot up a school,” law enforcement authorities reported.
Siri responded to the boy with a spoken listing of local schools in Valparaiso, where the teen was visiting from his home in the nearby town of Chesterton, according to police.

It wasn’t Apple’s digital iPhone assistant that informed law enforcement about the apparent threat. The teen posted a video screenshot of his conversation with Siri on social media — and people who saw the post contacted police Thursday and he was arrested later that day.
A 14-year-old boy whose photos of guns were added to the post was also arrested, The Chicago Tribune reported.
The younger teen was charged with felony intimidation, according to the Tribune. But investigators determined his threat was not credible. It was “discovered the male had no access to weapons and posted the picture on social media as a joke,” Valparaiso police said in a Facebook post. “The male made no direct threat to a specific person, school or school system.”
The police department warned, however, that “these types of communications are taken very seriously.”
The older boy’s photos of guns were apparently taken in the fall, and he no longer had access to the weapons, according to the Tribune. He “acknowledged the photographs that were taken but denied involvement in making any such threats,” police told The Times of Northwest Indiana.
He is being held on felony charges of intimidation and criminal recklessness with a handgun, apparently based on the gun photos on his cellphone, the Tribune reported.
Both teens are being held at the Porter County Juvenile Detention Center. Hearings scheduled for Monday will determine if the boys remain in detention.
Source: Huffington Post